I'm going for...
I'm going for less is more.
Shipping every day.
For no pushy fomo.
No promotional growth hacks.
For respecting people's inboxes.
For minimalism.
For the density of value.
For only working on what I care about.
For supporting others unconditionally.
Iโm going for imperfection.
For roughness.
By creating dots that our future selves can interconnect with.
For changing my mind constantly.
Knowing and communicating that I suck at email and Slack is better.
For last minute panics.
For understanding that my life will always have challenges.
For always wanting to do too much.
Telling people to please nudge me, itโs me not them that often slows things down.
And yet always being happy to just be my crazy self.
Iโm going for respecting the people and the planet.
More is not better.
Numbers bring success, but at cost to whom or what?
That everything we create has an impact on our planet.
That the pressure is not needed.
That itโs not about me.
That we can do things not just because we can, but because it is right.
That we are all a blip and our time will soon be up.
Iโm going for being there.
At my pace and with my boundaries.
For gifting people with my time and with my reach of words.
I am here for you as much as I can be.
I will listen and care.
I will write words that help you feel seen.
I will understand you are you, and I am I.
And together we can co-exist and support one another.
Not everything has to be a transactional.
Thanks for listening.
Thanks to Ben Cotte for originally sharing New Creative Era, something that I keep looking back on and partially inspired this post.